Sunday, September 30, 2012

Spiritual Nuggets: LOVE IS SACRIFICE by Pastor Kenny Folarin

1 John 3: 16
God’s love is the most powerful force in the world and it is sacrificial. We have to understand that God loves us. This kind of love is inexplicable. The bible declares that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. Therefore, never see yourself as a nonentity nor think that nobody loves you, believe and understand that God loves you. We can’t love others if we don’t accept that God loves us; we can’t give what we don’t have.
Unbelievers don’t have any revelation of Jesus Christ, but they need a physical representation of who Jesus is and they can only get it through the experience they have with us believers. Jesus showed His love by laying down His life and He demands that we demonstrate love by laying down our lives for our brethren; John 13: 34. The true measure of love is in our sacrifice.
The Christian life has to be different and the difference in the Christian life is its sacrificial nature; it’s not about acquiring and not giving out, it’s about sharing. As we acquire, we are expected to give out. Acts 20:25 makes us understand that we are more blessed when we give than when we receive. As Christians we are to live a life of sacrifice where we pay a price, which is the true essence of love. The way people would believe we are of God is if we are able to let go of the things that we have for the benefit of others. 1 Corinthians 13: 1 makes us understand that one might speak in diverse tongues but have not love and such person is nothing.
Our Christianity should go beyond just coming to church; it should be about love and sacrifice. Love is best demonstrated in difficult times and situations. True love is never convenient and will always cost us something; know that it wasn’t convenient for Jesus to die on the cross. True love will cost you; your time, money, food and everything you have. True love brings out of us what is not convenient; this is the proof of love. Love has to be expressed through our deeds.