Judge issues stern warning to pop star at probation hearing.

"You are not an average person sitting in a living room," Judge Schnegg said. "You are not only in the public eye, but you are on probation."
According to the Los Angeles Times, the "Turn Up the Music" crooner tested positive for pot in Virginia where he was completing his community service for a 2009 assault conviction stemming from an altercation with ex-girlfriend Rihanna. The results of the weed test gave cause to the judge to investigate whether Brown was on the up-and-up following the guidelines to his five year probation requirements.
With the judge giving him a lecture, Brown remained quiet throughout the court session. Judge Schnegg ordered another hearing in November to get a closer look at the singer's community service records.
Though he now must face another day in court Brown seemingly had the support of ex Rihanna who tweeted before Monday's hearing, "I'm praying for you and wishing u the best today!"
Brown responded with a tweet that read, "thank u so much."
Until today's tongue-lashing from the judge Brown had received big praise for his behavior and community service effort.