Sunday, October 7, 2012

My Bit - I am Nigerian

So we have seen the videos... Most people have.. The gruesome murder and killing of the Uniport Students who were allegedly accused of stealing mobile phones. It saddens me that no matter how hard some of us work to rebrand our country in the right light, some crazy few tend to pull us into a deeper hell-hole.

Its practically two steps forward, ten back! For how long Nigeria? Some years not too long ago NYSC corps members posted to Bauchi to serve their country were gruesomely murdered. No convicts till date of the murderers... Some years earlier, it was a ten year old kid burned to death in public dismay after allegedly kidnapping a baby from a shop. Countless murders from Boko Haram killings, from poorly managed aircrafts.. From avoidable road accidents.

We have become so used to these deaths that kids can see corpses on the highways and yell "daddy, see dead bodi"... 

Are you sick to the stomach? I honestly am.. Whatever country we go, we are now identified as the Country where lives are lost in murders as though natural. Laughing stocks? I Wouldn't say that because I see nothing funny in deaths, sorrows, hunger, injustice, illiteracy.

Will you just read my bit and move on? Or would you re-echo in anyway your own bits? All words and no action? Maybe...but I have said my bit and will continue to re-echo my yearns for a better Nigeria because I am Nigerian!