According to

Former House of Representatives member Patrick Obahiagbon who is well known for his oratorical stunts has been appointed as Chief of Staff to the Edo State governor, Adams Oshiomhole.
Obahiagbon has a reputation of regularly dishing out words which needs a dictionary to be understood. Most of his converstations tend to be a one way traffic as in most cases, he alone understands himself while the listener doesn’t.
Here is a recap of some of his statements that have thrown many into confusion.
When asked for his views on the tenure elongation debate currently going on in Nigeria, the former Parliamentarian answered as summarized below:
”Let me posit prestissimo that the single tenure proposal for executive suzerains and majordomo as an Aladdin lamp out of our vaudeville of political phantasmagoria, economic quagmire and social miasma among our electoral ceramics in such a democratic modus that in Platos’s Peoples’ Republic should truly be a place for the people…….. Having spent 12 years of my political pregranation in Parliament, I am in cahoots with the robust and salubrious democratic dialectics that threw up Tanbuwal as Speaker of the Nigerian Parliament”
When asked again about his views on party supremacy as a concept of Democracy, he gave his response as quoted verbatim below:“I only believe in party supremacy with the matrix and praxis of real politic, contextual dynamic and contemporaneous fulcrum, pugilistic pulverization, eshewable icebergs interaction and oxbow lakes and immutable cognition.”
He would be sworn in along with other appointees on Thursday, November 15 2012 at the Festival Hall, Government House, Edo state.
The people of Edo state are in for an interesting time. Can anyone attempt to explain in simpler terms what he meant with his comments above?