(Photo: JET Magazine)
Fantasia Barrino has gotten justice for an insult. The singer received an apology from the editor of Jetmagazine for a comment left on the editor’s personal Facebook page.
“The fact that I wasted an hour of my workday,” posted Mitzi Miller, the Editor-in-Chief of Jet, “writing a press release to address an issue created by a person who cannot even read it is just… #whyiwannaBahousewife.”
The problem stemmed from Barrino expressing her anger about Jet using an older photo of her for the cover. In response, Miller said that, while she was disappointed in Barrino’s displeasure with the cover, Jet stood by its decision to run the photo. Not long after the exchange, Miller posted her off-the-cuff comment.
Shortly after the website Madamenoire ran the comment, Miller issued a statement. “I apologize for the lack of sensitivity shown in my Facebook post,” wrote Miller. “It was a thoughtless comment made during a moment of frustration. It was unprofessional and not representative of the JET mission, which is to uplift. I regret letting my emotions get the best of me. I am truly apologetic.” At press time, there was no response from Fantasia on the matter.