Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lets Talk Tie Knots... by TTowonubi....


Many Men have failed in their quest at looking good while tying knots. I have seen it over and over again in the banking halls, corporate meetings, presentations etc. I have however come up with my own solution to this demeaning fashion NO NO!

  • The four most commonly used tie knots are the four-in-hand knot, the half-Windsor knot, the Windsor knot and the Pratt knot. All of them are suitable to wear to job interviews.
  • However, a larger and more symmetric tie knot is preferred. A larger tie knot can give you a more confident look while a symmetric one looks elegant. As the four-in-hand is a small and asymmetric tie knot, it is less preferred.
  • Choose a tie knot that fits the collar opening of the shirt. For example, a small tie knot like the four-in-hand suits shirts with a narrow collar opening, while a large tie knot like the Windsor suits shirts with a wide collar opening.
  • Practise tying a tie beforehand, especially for more complicated tie knots like the Windsor.
  • Regarding the ideal length of your tie, the tip of the wider end should be at the same level as the bottom of your belt buckle.
Tie Color and Pattern
  • Tie color and pattern should be conservative and non-distracting.
  • Ties with dark colors are preferred. For example, dark blue and dark red.
  • Ties with solid colors or subtle patterns such as stripes and dots are preferred. Stay away from fashion extremes such as ties with pictures.
Tie Fabric
  • Choose a silk tie or silk blend tie.
Tie Accessories
  • Tie accessories like tie bars and tie clips might be worn to keep the tie in place. However, you should make sure that its color and shape are conservative and non-distracting. For example, a rectangular tie bar is more appropriate than a pen-shape one.
Tie Knots
Your outfit may be awesome, but it's the details that get noticed. No matter how nice your tie is, nobody will remember it if your knot looks like a pile of scrambled eggs. These videos will show you all you need to know about the knots you need for every formal occasion. Every man should have these mastered. And we're here to help.

Just remember: Sometimes all it takes is a little extra move to make that old tie look fresh.  

1. The Classic Knot

This is the most basic knot. But even the most basic has some necessary steps. Watch and learn.

2.  The Half-Windsor

Sometimes bigger is better. Here's how to make sure you don't overdo it.

3.  The Bow Tie

The clip-on is for boys. Time to man up and do it the classy way. Besides, nothing looks cooler than an undone bow tie at the end of the night.

4. The Pocket Square

This may not be around your neck, but it's part of the whole package. There are a few options, so let her finish.